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Why A Bucket List?
You have no doubt heard of a bucket list. Why is it called this? Well, have you heard of the phrase “kick the bucket”? This is often used to describe when someone has died (not the nicest way granted). Therefore a bucket list is a list of things to do before you die.
A lot of the time, these come to mind when people know they are going to die, however, it is a good idea to think about it now, no matter what your age (or health). 
So what kind of things? Think about things you want to do now, but also think back to when you were a child and what did you dream of then? 
Popular things include going on safari, see the Northern Lights, swim with dolphins, etc. but they can be things closer to home. Maybe it is to change someone’s life for the better or to reach your ideal weight. It could be anything, it’s up to you both.

Our Bucket List

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