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Positive Teacher Power by Chris Allton

Positive Teacher Power

In my twenty-five years of teaching, I have seen nothing like it. From an initial lockdown when schools closed, to opening for key worker children. Next came the creation of bubbles and hygiene rules that would lead to a high percentage of the day hand washing. Zoom meetings became the norm even if they caused technical headaches. A little bit of normality returned for a short period of time (if normality can be used). Another lockdown followed with home learning taken to a new level.

Teachers have been expected to continue their high standard of teaching with limited resources, now with the talk of extended hours to provide catch-up time for children. These are unprecedented times but what has been put in place for teachers and pupils?

The mental health of staff and pupils is now more important than ever so what better way than something simple that will benefit both staff and pupils’ long term. Yes, we still have to teach, to the high standard we always have but a little bit of positivity can go a long way

So what is the power of the positive teacher? Well for starters it works perfectly well with Positive Pupil Power. A scheme that follows the teacher plan that can then be introduced to pupils.

The contents are nothing new. The Law of Attraction, positive affirmations, journaling, personality and habits. However, I feel that these elements combined to make a powerful tool for staff and pupils' mental health putting them on the right path for the future both at school and at home.

To see examples of the content click on the files below.

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