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Music Experience

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything". - Plato

Why have a school Song and video?

  • Publicise your school in a refreshing, fun and unique way.

  • Let children be involved in every step of the songwriting process.

  • Create a song that can be sung in assemblies.

  • Produce a video to use on your school website.

  • Allow children to understand the process of recording and releasing a song.

  • Promote on social media sites, YouTube or even Spotify.

  • Give children memories they will not have experienced before.



The full-day session starts with a songwriting session, primarily the lyrics to your school song. To get the most out of this, it is better if the children have had a think about lyrics to the composition, either in a lesson or at home. The structure of the morning sessions can proceed in many ways. Depending on the size of your school, you may wish each class to write a verse, or you may wish the key stage 2 children to be in charge of this. Or you may pick a selection of children from each class to work as a group for each verse. The best way is to get as many children involved as possible and it is great to see the older children working with and helping the younger children in school. 



Once we have the lyrics to your school song, we can then think about the music and melody. After nearly thirty years of writing, performing and recording music I can offer a wide selection of genres and melodies to work with. Once the basic chord progression has been chosen, I will create a backing track and then each class can be prepared to sing their song. Choose if all children sing all the verses or separate the verses between classes. Perhaps you wish some children to sing solo, duets or in smaller groups. Each of these recordings will then be layered together with the music to produce a whole school choir. After school that day, I will add extra instrumentation to the song if required, then mix and master all the tracks together to produce a final track. 



Day two is music video day. The ideal way to promote your school and the talent of your children. Combine a traditional music video with the children miming to parts of the song, plus footage of your school to show off the facilities and grounds, what it looks like in each class, all recorded in a professional manner. Decide on any graphics you wish to include such as the school badge or contact details. 

After school that day, I will edit the video together along with the music recorded the previous day. You will then receive the completed video in a high-quality format (along with smaller versions if you wish to upload to Facebook, Instagram, etc.) plus the audio version of the song: a complete version and an instrumental track the children can sing along with. 



The basic package is one day and involves song composition, recording and then mixing and mastering. You will receive your song as recorded and an instrumental track to sing along with. 



The standard package includes all in the basic plus a second day where a video will be produced to accompany the song. You will receive your song as recorded, an instrumental track to sing along with, a high-quality video for use on your website and a smaller version for use on social media. 


The World

The complete package includes everything in the other packages plus your song being uploaded to YouTube and the song being released online and accessible on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, TikTok, etc.

As with the author days, there will be a travel cost of 45p per mile. 

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